Birthdays for Wellness

Name Birthdays for Wellness
Why To provide Mental Wellbeing support for substance abuse surviving senior citizens
What Activities compassionate dialogue
When Fridays
Frequency Once a month
Time 10:00-11:00
Where Missions
3409 E Medicine Lake Blvd, Plymouth, MN 55441
How By Celebrating Birthdays
Lead Bhagwati Karki / Shefali Chahal
Contact ;

Birthdays for Wellness

Celebrations at Mission Inc

Birthday celebrations of substance abuse survivors – senior citizens – uplifting them

Birthdays for Wellness

Bringing Joy to the Lives of Substance Abuse Survivors and

Senior Citizens: The Need In Deed Foundation’s Birthday Celebration Program

Welcome to The Need In Deed Foundation’s ‘Birthdays for Wellness’ program, where we believe in bringing joy and happiness to the lives of substance abuse survivors and senior citizens. We invite you to join us in our mission to uplift their spirits and bring smiles to their faces by celebrating their birthdays.

Our program involves visiting a long-term residential facility once a month where senior citizens stay and recover. These individuals have overcome significant challenges and are working hard to rebuild their lives. We believe that it is important to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments, and what better way to do that than by celebrating their birthdays!

We invite volunteers to join us in this program by sponsoring birthday cakes and gifts for the residents. Each month, we provide a list of birthdays to our volunteers, and they can choose to sponsor party supplies like plates, cutlery, decorations, birthday cakes, and gifts. These celebrations are attended by all the 55-60 residents, and it is an excellent opportunity for them to socialize and connect with others.

By sponsoring a birthday celebration, you are not only bringing joy to the residents but also providing them with much-needed motivation and upliftment. It is a small gesture that can go a long way in improving their mental and emotional well-being.

Volunteers are also welcome to join us in the celebrations and interact with the residents, forming meaningful connections with them.

The Need In Deed Foundation has been working tirelessly to make a positive impact on the lives of these individuals. We believe in the power of community and the importance of coming together to support those in need. Our program has already brought many smiles and happy memories to the residents, and we would love for you to be a part of it.

So why not join us in our mission to spread joy and happiness? You can make a difference by sponsoring a birthday celebration and making someones day special.

Your contribution can make a world of difference to these individuals and help them in their journey to recovery.

We thank you for considering our program and look forward to celebrating birthdays with you and the residents. Together, let’s make a positive impact on the lives of those who need it the most!