Empowering girls for Wellbeing

Name Empowering Girls for Wellbeing
Why To provide Mental Wellbeing support for students with behavioral needs
What Activities and compassionate dialogue
When Thursdays
Frequency Twice a month
Time 1:30-2:30 pm
Where District 287
Location 1 - ABEC 6601 Xylon Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Location 2 - North 5530 Zealand Ave. N New Hope, MN 55428
How By doing activities such as dancing, painting, cooking
Lead Dr. Renu Kumar/ Shefali Chahal
Contact education@theneedindeed.org ; shefali@theneedindeed.org

Empowering girls for Wellbeing

The District 287 Program, run by Renu Kumar and Shefali Chahl, is a unique initiative that supports girls in grades nine to twelve in the District 287 school district. With about eight to ten schools and four physical buildings, the program offers a safe space for girls to learn and grow.

One of the most impactful aspects of the program is the well-being classes offered by The Need In Deed twice a month at the Ann Bremer Education Center in Brooklyn Park. These classes provide girls with an opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, such as drawing, dancing, needlework, art, and more. The classes are led by guest teachers who bring their own unique skills and expertise to the program.

But these classes are more than just a chance for girls to have fun and learn new skills. They also provide a space for compassionate dialogue about life’s reflection, leading up to conversations about mental well-being. By encouraging girls to reflect on their experiences and emotions, the program helps them develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-care.

The Importance of Mental Well-Being 

Mental well-being is a critical aspect of overall health and wellness, particularly for young people who may be dealing with a range of stressors and pressures. By providing girls with a space to talk about their feelings and experiences, the program helps them develop important coping skills and strategies for managing their mental health.

In addition, the well-being classes provide girls with an opportunity to build social connections and form supportive relationships with their peers. By engaging in activities together and sharing their thoughts and feelings, they can develop a sense of community and belonging that can be invaluable in promoting positive mental health.

Empowering Girls

Overall, the District 287 Program is a powerful way to empower girls and help them thrive. By providing them with a safe and supportive space to learn, grow, and connect with others, the program can help girls develop the confidence, skills, and resilience they need to succeed.

If you are interested in supporting the program or learning more about how you can get involved, reach out to us directly. Together, we can work to empower the next generation of girls and promote positive mental health and well-being for all.